A few months back, I experienced major burn out.
At the peak of performance within my brand, I was crashing mentally.
And quickly.
I found myself in a rut and I nearly gave up.
On everything.
I wanted to just go back to full-time work and not to have the mental stress that came with my brand.
I became so wound up in my thoughts I went to a pretty dark place.
I didn't talk to anyone.
Not even my husband.
Until one day, I crashed. HARD.
I looked at my husband and said;
"I can't do this anymore, I want to go back to full-time work and just be a robot to the system.'
At this stage, he didn't know I applied for a few marketing roles, I lost all confidence in myself and I was lost.
He looked at me, SHOCKED.
Then calmly he asked me...
'Are you drunk?'
It was 9am, which makes this even more hilarious because I very rarely drink.
I looked at him confused.
I didn't know what to say.
Then he followed with.
Again, silence. I had no words.
I sat there crying.
A little back story, my husband has only ever been my biggest supporter in life.
Previous to him, I was always told, you can't do this, you can't do that, you'll never be anything in life.
He met me a single mum of 3 young children.
I was told when I left my previous relationship with my children's father his final words to me when I decided to leave was.
"No one will ever love you, especially not with 3 children so young"
To me, whilst that hurt, I didn't want a man.
I wanted to create a life for myself and my children.
I never want them to struggle like I did in life.
I was going to be their biggest cheerleader, so they never have to experience the pain I went through as a child.
So when I met my husband, I had no confidence and had no idea who I was.
We have been together for 13 years, married for 10, and he is literally my superhero.
(He also proposed to me 2.5 months after we met)
CRAZY! So much for no one will love me!
From day one, he has never put me down, he lets me push my boundaries with nothing but support.
He lets me make mistakes and NEVER get angry at me when I do.
(I left our garage open one night, all night!)
Thanks to my ADHD brain ha!
He lets me, be me. All of me.
He is my biggest cheerleader.
My biggest motivator.
Back to my meltdown moment.
He looked at me, hugged me and said.
"You need to remember who you are and what you have created."
"You are not going back to full-time work."
"You will figure this out."
"I believe in you."
That's exactly what I needed to hear.
No excuses, but pushing me to dig deeper., within myself.
Not work harder.
That's exactly how this came about.
From a moment at my weakest.
Most vulnerable.
I took the time I needed to overcome my own thoughts.
Seeking help and opening up about my thoughts.
The one thing I have learnt, (I am still learning too) was a piece of advice I received from my mother in law.
When I started to open up about how I was feeling, she said to me.
"I wish you could see yourself the way others see you."
This hit me so hard that I stopped, confused.
I questioned what she meant.
She said:
"I look at you as a young girl who had a baby at 18, even though she was told if you had your baby, you would be nothing in life.
You have raised the most 4 amazing children and they are all exceeding in life, in their own ways.
If you're young 18 year old self could see you now, she would know all the pain you go through, is worth it.
Your dreams are worth it.
You have fought so many demons to be where you are today.
You are so motivating and positive.
But when it comes to yourself you're not, why?"
Again, another questions that got me thinking...
Why do I see myself like this..
That's a story for another time!
I wanted to share the reason why this came to be here today.
My passion and dedication to ensure every single member we have in this community feels supported and we grow together!
You will also be apart of my journey in growing confidence and overcoming my imposter syndrome and anxiety.
These things are always something I work on.
I am so proud to say, over the last month.
I have made huge progress with my mindset and confidence.
Finding different ways to break the cycle.
Then one day I had this impulsive feeling that I wanted to meet with Brit and work with her.
(Honestly I had no idea what it was or looked like though).
Then one day I had this impulsive feeling that I wanted to meet with Brit and work with her.
(Honestly I had no idea what it was or looked like though).
I knew I had to talk to her though.
Following my instinct, I messaged Brit to see if she could meet with me the following day.
This is why the community was born.
If we all support each other in this journey, our potential is limitless!
We are only limited by your thoughts and together.
When we clear our minds and thoughts to only look for success and to achieve our dreams.
Brit is a huge part of my progress, even if she doesn't know it yet.
Her mindset is what I want mine to be like.
She is like a ray of sunlight that warms your face when she talks to you.
This is where our vision was born to begin with.
When we first met with each other, we both had no idea what we were going to do but we wanted it to be huge, really make an impact.
Nothing like what is already out there.
So we spent lots of time brain storming and just talking.
The more we worked together, the quicker our vision came to us.
We discuss our personal struggles.
In business and life.
And it blossomed from there, together!
Once we both had our clear vision of what is was we wanted to create we worked so hard getting it all together.
We have huge plans for the future.
Long term success.
For the beginning, we start at the beginning.
With ourselves, first.
Then we grow!
We have our 100-Day Goal Challenge, which starts next week in the community alongside our Find Your Inner Boss Babe.
I really hope you'll join us in our journey.
We want to be your biggest cheerleaders.
We want to be your partners in success.
The way we all go forward to success is together.
Even sharing this was a huge step forward for me!
Another step in, getting comfortable with being uncomfortable x
I really hope we get to see you on the inside!
Your biggest cheerleader,
Ness x
P.S. Brit’s vision story coming soon! Her story is epic and I love listening to it 💋